Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lancaster Redux - the artist, not the town

From JR Lancaster:

"Greetings Janie....Hope this finds you well and moving along on your great journey....we had two major weather events since you were here....flashfloods both times...even closed the highway down...the gallery was flooded but no art damage...I have some major roof repairs to tend....anyway, thought you might like to have images of the paintings....before they were sealed. I will bubble wrap today and start building the crates tomorrow...

"I think it is interesting the choices of art you made....a colorful, abstract river piece made of clay, a realistic cliff wall piece, a mixed media/b&w photo of petroglyph and van Gogh visits San Juan County color photo.......a pretty good overview of my work and this have a great eye for art...

"Enjoy your stay in Denver and I will keep you posted on the art movement.....thanks again...JR"
Here is his website:  ww,
And here are two of the pieces we bought:
Into the Mystic

As the River Flows
Glad we bought the art.  Glad we missed the weather.
     It's fun to imagine what you could do with that kind of money. I could buy that island I've wanted to buy all my life, and live there with my family. Or I could buy some great piece of art that's just going to feed my eyes every day.
     ~Johnny Depp

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